Scraps 12/8/2009-12/1/2024
Scraps was always a fun-loving, gentle, and happy boy. He was only ever down if he didn't feel good. Otherwise, Scraps was a happy, smiling, tail-wagging sweet boy. We never had to teach him to take food gently from our hands; he just knew how to do it.
He never met anyone he didn't like. Everyone was his friend, and he welcomed all into his home equally. He rarely acted out against other dogs, either. Only a few rare times would he growl at another when his personal space was invaded.
In his youth, he loved to play tug-of-war and chew on his various chew toys. He also loved to get outside and explore, letting his Beagle nose lead him where it might.
All of this, however, can't describe his sweet nature, tenderness, and jovial personality well enough. I am so very thankful to have been his human companion, as he was my canine one. We spent nearly 16 years together, and I genuinely don't know if I could have done it without him. He was my best buddy and was always there with a quick smile, tail wag, or simply a reason to get me outside to take him for a walk when I'd rather stay inside.
Scraps was my first and only dog; I will miss him every day. I can't thank Dr. Rikh enough for the compassionate and considerate care given to my Scraps in his last moments. Because of her, he was able to pass peacefully and comfortably in his own home.