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Peaches (Peachies) was the sweetest, happiest little orange girl. She was ALWAYS purring. Peaches enjoyed country music, laying on the floor vents when the heat was on, and watching kitty TV (bird/ animal watching through the sliding glass door). She would chirp back at the birds. She enjoyed wrestling with her brother cat, Cairo. Every night for bedtime, she would sleep on her mom's pillow, and her being a big tabby cat, she would take up most of it. She had a favorite toy "Bumble" (an Abominable Snowman), that she would carry around in her mouth to bring to bed. Her favorite time of the year was Christmas, as she would lay under the tree, eating the branches and looking at the lights. Our family was blessed to have Peaches for 13 wonderful years. It was not enough, but we know she's waiting for us on the other side.


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