Gracie completed her beautiful time on earth with the help of Dr. Rikh; surrounded by her family, in her favorite spot, while we watched a slideshow of photo memories to honor her long life. There’s nowhere else she would’ve wanted to be.
Gracie lived over 12 1/2 full years with us doing all the things she loved. Among her favorites were: bread, bones, reminding us a 1/2 hour before it was time for meals, barking at anything that had 4 legs in the TV, being spooned while cuddled, giving hugs, being touched or petted constantly, sitting on laps despite being 70 + lbs, smiling with all teeth on display (while excited or telling on herself for stealing bread off the counter), ‘talking’, laying on clean laundry, protecting her humans, & comfy beds & blankets, and sleeping belly up. Her ultimate nemeses in life were vacuum cleaners and lawn mowers.
She earned many nicknames over her years, but she was almost often known endearingly as “Heifer”. She’s rocked a svelte lumpy-loaf silhouette-she pretty much looked like a loaf of bread with legs. The lady never missed a meal.
She loved her sleep and was often chasing something in her dreams, even muffled barking followed by deep snoring. It’s a harsh quiet now; her loud snores and breathing were a white noise echoing in our home. While the pain of her crossing stings, Dr. Rikh made her last moments with us beautiful, comfortable, and gave her the most dignified passing experience one could ask for.