2001 - 2024
One summer evening 23 years ago, while visiting family out of town, my young daughters and I joined a friend who would ride around feeding stray dogs in the area. We happened to see this tiny white kitten on the side of the road and picked her up. The next day, Countess Dracula aka “Drac” made the three-hour drive back home with us to join our family which included 2 other young male cats. Although they really never let her in their “boys club”, she was able to hold her own with them. She was nobody’s lap cat for sure and lived her extraordinary life doing exactly what she wanted. With her gorgeous blue eyes and long silky white fur she was a living doll, but also one of the most strong willed cats you could ever meet. She loved the outdoors but always knew her home was with us. She is truly missed. Thank you so much Dr. Bowers for making the last moments of her life peaceful.