Maxie came into Eric's life in September 2011 after her previous owner decided that he no longer wanted to care for her. Maxie loved car rides, walks, swimming, spending time with her human family, and of course eating people food whenever she had the opportunity. Maxie also enjoyed chasing rabbits and other wildlife, and caught several rabbits and mice in her younger days. Maxie's favorite activity was Bark in the Park hosted by the Cincinnati Reds at Great American Ballpark. In 2018 Maxie welcomed Catherine as Eric's wife and her mother. Maxie was a very sassy and opinionated dog, offering her opinions on everything from other dogs, people, dog treats, and delivery vehicles. She was always happy to see her family and could be frequently seen in the front windows watching for their return. Maxie lived in several different cities with her family on their journey through life, including two years stationed in Japan. Maxie was predeceased by close friends Lucky and Skiddles. She passed peacefully in her bed at home with the assistance of Kona's Loving Paws.