Visiting a friend's litter of puppies, I was immediately drawn to Furgie. She was calm and I loved her color and markings. I picked her up and she layed her head against my heart. It was an instant bond that would last for 16 years.
She was my velcro dog. We were rarely separated. I was in my early 20's and she was dependent on me. I was probably too dependent on her. I walked her every day. We drove to local parks and played catch. Went camping on weekends. I wanted to make sure she was happy and healthy as she could be.
Furgie and I had such a deep connection. She knew my thoughts and I knew hers. Like best friends we shared ice cream with the same spoon and I told her my inner most thoughts.
As Furgie began to decline her pain was becoming unmanageable. I watched and waited for signs that she was ready to be at rest. This was the most difficult decision I have ever made. I didn't want to take away any good days from her. But I also didn't want her to go through unnecessary suffering.
When it was time we researched and decided to have a home visit with Dr. Rikh. She was professional but also natural. She really put us at ease with the process. Dr Rikh felt like a family friend guiding us through the process.
While heartbreaking, it was the most beautiful sacred experience. Watching and holding Furgie while she drew her last breath gives me great peace and closure. I will recommend Dr Rikh and this process to everyone I know.
Furgie was my guardian angel in life and continues in spirit. We are grateful to Dr Rikh and staff for the compassion they showed.