May 2022-March 12th 2023
Chiquita and her siblings were found in an abandoned apartment next to where I work. I brought them home and Chiquita was the only one of the three kittens to jump out of the box. She went right up to my dog with no fear, and I knew that she had chosen us as her new family (Her other to siblings were adopted to loving homes, too).
Shortly after adopting Chicky, I found out that she was Feline Leukemia positive. The vet told me to expect a much shortened lifespan, so I knew I had to show her as much of the world as possible. Unfortunately, she didn’t get to do any traveling with me like I had hoped, but I did get to show her what it feels like to be warmed by the sunshine, to feel fresh crunchy snow, to climb trees and visit local plant stores, pretending we were in a tropical jungle together. Chicky reminded me of the magic that comes with seeing the world for the first time.
I will forever be grateful for Kona’s Loving Paws allowing me to hold Chicky in the comfort of her own home while she passed. She was peaceful and loved. No one ever wants to lose a pet, especially at such a young age. But being able to be a part of her transition was so special. Chicky will always live in my heart.